Time Saving | Life Changing
Achieve the touchable skin you've always desired! In addition to laser hair removal, our state-of-the-art laser treatments can reduce signs of aging, from wrinkles and crows feet to facial veins, fine lines and more with no downtime!

Advanced Applications
Cynosure aesthetic laser technology is extremely versatile and treats a variety of hair and skin conditions. From Laser Hair Removal to Spider Vein Treatments to Laser Facials, our Alexandrite and YAG lasers provide advanced clinical treatments for all skin types!
Face Single Package* Package**
Lip ..................... $80 $136 $240
Chin .................. $80 $136 $240
Jaw Line ........... $240 $408 $720
Full Beard ......... $450 $765 $1350
Sideburns ......... $160 $272 $480
Ear Side ............ $100 $170 $300
*2 Sessions **4 Sessions
Body Single Package* Package**
Half Leg ............ $450 $765 $1350
Full Leg ............. $850 $1445 $2550
Bikini Line .......... $200 $340 $600
Bikini Full …….... $275 $475 $825
Bikini Brazilian ... $300 $510 $900
Half Arm ............ $250 $425 $750
Full Arm ............. $450 $765 $1350
Underarm .......... $200 $340 $600
Back .................. $600 $1020 $1800
Back & Shoulder $800 $1360 $2400
Chest ................. $350 $595 $1050
Stomach Line .... $80 $136 $240
*2 Sessions **4 Sessions